World U20 Champion (10,000m)


Current World Record Holder 10km

2020, Valencia

World Championships Bronze Medalist (10,000m)


Winner of 10,000m and Cross Country Titles at Kenyan High Schools Championships


Rhonex Kipruto

Kenyan Distance Running Prodigy and World Record Holder

Rhonex (24) is an extremely unique talent. He is a long distance runner, 10,000m World U20 champion (2018), 10,000m World Championships bronze medallist (2019) and current World record holder over 10 km (Valencia 2020). In 2017, he won both 10,000m and cross country High Schools Championships titles in Kenya – historically, a major achievement and a clear indicator of an enormous talent.

I hope that in time my medical diagnosis will be clear both for myself and for this case. I don't cheat or dope! The truth is on my side. This is all I can say.

Rhonex Kipruto

22 April 2024


Rhonex's biological passport (ABP) was flagged for:

Samples 2, 15, 16 and 22 (high HGB) and Sample 26 (low HGB).

High OFFscores in Sample 2, 15 and 16 and low OFFscores in Sample 18, 26 and 31.

High reticulocyte percentage (%ret) values in Sample 18, 25 and 31.

The AIU panel of experts evaluated the ABP records for the period July 2018 - March 2022.

All out-of-competition (OOC) and in-competition (IC) tests, more than 50, were negative. All (but one OOC test) were unannounced. Rhonex was tested in-and-out of his specified 1-hour testing slots – morning, mid-day and evening. 

In total, there were 32 ABP blood tests (2 IC and 30 OOC) – from those 32, on 20 occasions urine samples were collected as well.

Additional 17 IC urine tests were done, plus 3 more urine-only OOC tests.

Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA), EPO, ferritin, among other substances, were frequently tested for. There were no positive results for any of the banned substances.

4 tests, i.e. 12.5 per cent (!), were eliminated from the ABP due to technical deficiencies in taking or storing the samples.

Rhonex’s whereabouts are very regular and predictable. Locations in Iten - the camp (St. Patrick’s), and a private home, 5-10 minutes drive from the camp. His rural home is reachable within 90 minutes from the camp. He is super-predictable. No hidden, remote or inaccessible training camps or last minute whereabouts changes. Only one missed test in 3.5 years – mid-2019, when he travelled to the rural home in a rush due to a sudden family matter. No ABP flags in 2019 and early 2020, which was by far his most successful athletic period to date.

Help Rhonex Run


Rhonex Kipruto is opening up about his struggles with alcohol and the complexities of his ongoing Athlete Biological Passport (ABP) case, aiming to increase transparency and advocate for reforms in anti-doping policies.

Ikaika Sports (Rhonex's sports management and sports marketing agency) issued a lengthy press release on 17 May 2023 in relation to this matter.

Rhonex seeks to inform public in detail and without hesitation on what this ABP matter is all about. Rhonex has nothing to hide.

Motivate World Athletics; Athletics Integrity Unit; leading World Athletics Label Road Races; World Federation of Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI); sports media; and the general public to make efforts to understand the complexity of ABP cases and, potentially, to motivate key stakeholders to work on reform around ABP matters. These cases are often very complex, extremely costly and due to lack of available experts they do present a huge barrier to overcome for athletes. 

Fund-raise, as he is in grave need of support as it relates to his huge medical and legal bills.


© All Copyrights 2024 Rhonex Kipruto